How Outdoor Alliance Creates Change


Outdoor Alliance is the only group working to champion conservation by uniting the voices of different kinds of human-powered outdoor enthusiasts. Outdoor Alliance was born out of a desire to bring together different groups around common goals and build power, helping to make the voices of outdoor recreationists heard and counter the enormous weight of huge industries like development and oil and gas. We understand the issues, how to talk effectively about them, who to talk to, and when it’s most effective to do so. Our work has resulted in millions of acres protected, billions in funding, and a new approach to conservation. Here’s how we create change:


We rely on a data-driven approach

We use meticulously-sourced data and people’s on-the-ground experiences to cut through complex issues and chart the best course of action forward.

We empower individuals to make a difference

We are experts in the complex world of public policy, and we use that expertise to help educate people and provide them the tools to speak up and take action. We know both the policy and the politics, and make sure that the passion of the outdoor community is converted into effective advocacy.

We understand the issues deeply

Outdoor Alliance coordinates and runs weekly meetings with its Joint Policy Shop, a team of public lands policy experts from different user communities which operates as a think tank and policy powerhouse for conservation.

We build long-term relationships and trust

We regularly meet and foster working relationships with our member groups, legislators, the administration, land management agencies, policy and decision makers, local stakeholders and other advocacy groups that have an interest in conservation, along with many that don’t.