Outdoor Alliance Responds to Outdoor Retailer Relocating to Utah

Outdoor Alliance is disappointed by Emerald's decision to undercut the united position of the outdoor industry in support of our country's public lands and waters by bringing the industry's trade show back to Utah.

Five years ago, the industry spoke with one voice in support of Bears Ears National Monument, local Indigenous governments and communities, and the millions of Americans who treasure conservation and the outdoors when it moved its marquee trade show, Outdoor Retailer, out of Utah in protest against the state's misguided attempts to undercut public lands protections.

Our position is the same as it was five years ago: efforts by politicians to undermine Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante warrant fierce resistance from the outdoor industry rather than the acquiescence implied by returning the show to Utah.

We encourage Utah elected officials to reconsider their position on Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears and to not underestimate the outdoor industry’s commitment to conservation and equity.

Adam Cramer, CEO, Outdoor Alliance